Sveriges Violinbyggarmästare

Master diplomas and Journeymans certificates

The culture heritage which bowed instruments represents, made during the 16th century and up until today, often bring very high economical values. Therefore they need to be looked after by skilful restorers with broad experience’s to whom the musician safely can leave there precious instrument. A Master Diploma vouch for a great knowledge within the craft.

The Guild of Swedish Violin Makers is a body to which a propose measure is referred for consideration, and represents the interests of the trade against state, authority and ministry of education. Out of the Guilds members, the Swedish Craft Council elect the violin and bow makers they entrust to examine the Journeyman and Master tests within the craft.

Regulations for Journeyman Certificate, Violinmaker (pdf)
Regulations for Journeyman Certificate, Bowmaker (pdf)

Regulations for Master Diploma (pdf)


